Heebie Jeebies Test Tube Science
Water Marbles Test Tube
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsPlease order in complete units of 24.Just add water! These ultra-sensory polymer balls absorb and expand 100x their size in water
Viscoelastic Slime Test Tube
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsHeebie Jeebies presents the Slime Test Tube Lab! Just add water, and mix to make your own coloured slime! It's that easy. Add 220ml of water to the...
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Growing Crystals Test Tube
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsUse the crystal powder provided to grow your own crystals! Assorted colours.
Polymer Snow Test Tube
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsPlease order in complete units of 24.Create a real winter wonderland in seconds!
Luminescent Lab Glow Science Chemistry
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsThis kit contains everything you need to complete 5 unique experiments. Make a glow stick, create chalk that you can see in the dark, and glowing s...
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Ferro Fluid Lab Magnetic Chemestry
Heebie Jeebies Science Kits3 tubes containing Ferro Powder, putty, iron filings and a super strong magnet makes heaps of really unique magnetic experiements
Ferromagnetic Fluid Test Tube
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsMake your very own ferromagnetic fluid and experiment with magnets with this easy-to-use test tube kit. Each test tube contains a bag of special ma...
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Phosphorescent Powder Test Tube
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsPlease order in complete units of 24. Use this glow-in-the-dark powder by mixing it with a medium to illuminate everything in your life.
Test Tube Display stand
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsPlease order in complete units of 1.Free on request with first order of 48 pieces in the MiniLab range. Perfect for in-store display.
Ply test tube rack
Heebie Jeebies Science KitsPlease order in complete units of 1. Display stand for test tube science, free with orders of 48 test tubes.